Promoting creativity in schools

Today’s #edchat (via Twitter) is on the topic: What are we, as educators, doing to promote creativity in our schools?

So, because I am such a fan of Sir Ken Robinson, I wanted to be sure that I had something to contribute to #edchat that related to him. I’ll be tweeting the link to this posting, which in turn has the following link to information about a Video of Sir Ken talking about his book “The Element” that may not be as well known as his TED talk but is certainly worth watching for anyone who’s interested in fostering creativity in education (at any level).

And, bonus, my search for new links related to Sir Ken led me to a blogger that I find to be kind of a kindred spirit. She’s Director of Board Governance at the Wisconsin Association of School Boards and she’s posted ideas like:

“Adaptive challenges require that people with the problem are part of the solution…” and “Today’s leaders do not solve problems for people.  Instead, they provide opportunities for people to confront challenges and learn new methods”

Here’s her blog link:

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